Cultural lag is Ogburn’s term for human behavior lagging behind technological innovations. That most definitely can relate to the movie in terms that none of these immigrants were the slightest bit technologically savvy. They didn’t have cell phones, computer, iPads, or any of the technology that we use. They didn’t even get a chance to go to schools where they could have been on computers there; they were so behind from the rest of the children their age. These immigrant children don’t even care to want any of this technology though because they have never been subject to these items to even see what they’re life; so how could you want something if you or anyone else around you has ever even used one? By Ogburn saying ‘Cultural Lag’ he meant that not all parts of a culture change at the same pace. When one part of a culture changes, other parts lag behind. Have you ever wondered why our “school year” is nine months long, and why we take summers off? For most of us, this is “just the way it is,” and we have never questioned it. But there is more to this custom than what meets the eye. In the late 1800’s, when universal schooling came about, the school year matched the technology of the time. Most parents were farmers, and for survival they needed their children’s help at the crucial times of planting and harvesting. Today, generations later, when few people farm and there is no need for the “school year” to be so short, we still live with this cultural …show more content…
Without language, there can be no culture – no shared way of life – and culture is the key to what people become. Each of us possessed a biological heritage, but this heritage does not determine specific behaviors, attitudes, or values. It is our culture that superimposes the specifics of what we become onto our biological heritage. Being an isolated child must be extremely hard, you are so far behind every other child in your age group. You have no schooling and it would be hard to catch up to anyone else your age. Language is the KEY to human development. The next term from the book that I related to the movie would be Isolated Children. I felt like the children in the movie were very isolated from the rest of the world. All they knew was to wake up early work all day then go home and go to sleep. They didn’t know any better because they were never exposed to anything else. If they would’ve been exposed to more of the world maybe then they could’ve made something better of their lives and could’ve created opportunity for them to be something. I’m sure if you gave them the option to pick crops or to get a good education and get a hire paying job I’m sure they would pick the real job any day of the week. I think all people should be exposed and get the same opportunities in life, no one should be left out and unexposed of