Michell Mcgilvery
Anthropology 101
Professor: Wright
July 24, 2012
Introduction In my cultural research I will share information on the Zulu Tribe which one of South Africa's largest ethnic group population is estimated about 10-11 million people ,majority of the people live in KwaZulu-Natal Natal Province which is also referred as Zululand, other Tribes or groups live in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique. The Zulu reside in the rural part of South Africa, the culture of people raise cattle and also grow corn and vegetable such as beans, yams, and millet, Traditional Zulu society has chiefs and a King who represent all the Zulu culture. Today The Zulu traditional structure clashes with the present central and democratic government of South Africa. Men play the dominate role in the Zulu family ,the Zulu women are renowned for the bead craft ,basket weaving , and pottery, the men are crafted in wood and object made out of animal skin. The Zulu people have faced many wars and conflicts with the government, however since 1994 when Nelson Mandela became president and the end of apartheid, the new South African government has and many battles with in the last ten years.
1. Zulus primary mode of subsistence
a. Emerging Agriculture
b. Industries
2. The three aspects of the Zulu culture
a. Kinship
b. Beliefs and values
c. Sickness and Healing
Call Number: RJ Ma55
Location: Offsite< Missionary Research Library>
The Maphumulo Uprising War, Law and Ritual in Zulu Rebellion (The International Journal of African Historical Studies)
Zulu journey, by Carol Birkby, Barkby, Carel, 1910-
London. Muller. [1937]
Call Number: MX16.8 B61