Danielle Johnson
ANT101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (CSB1203B)
Professor: Michael Waller
February 06, 2012
Zulu Cultural
The Zulu tribal group has dwelled on the east coast of South Africa. Zulu has developed an ancient history that is dated back several centuries. They were very highly developed and sophisticated tribe that in time of ancient history Zulu people are remembered by their complex of social organization, economic organization, and beliefs and values.
Social Organization Its status for social organization is traditionally encapsulated and is highly respected for kinship positions and leadership. The head of household and patrilineal kin is also respected along with the chief and his kin as the royal household of the chiefdom. Individualism has an impact on Zulu people to a certain extent. The responsibility throughout the community was for the older generation discipline the younger generation. But most of the people mind their own business. Sanctions were not imposed on the older generation as people led to believe.
Economic Organization Economic differentiation coexist with different lifestyles: a traditional Zulu lifestyle reflected in religion, dress code, and a defiant attitude towards Western standards and mannerisms and an alternative Western competitive capitalist lifestyle. In the Zulu economy they raise cattle and farm corn and vegetables for their subsistence purposes. The men and the boys that are called herds are mainly responsible for the cows, which are grazed in the open country. The women do the harvesting and planting clout within the family. In South Africa, Zulu is limited to labor intensive work and domestic duties.
Beliefs and Values The Zulu people have a strong belief in the potency of their ancestors. Their cosmology is characterized by God in various form: uMvelingqangi (male god responsible for all life), uNomkhubulwano (female god who provides food security, particularly
References: Laband J., and P.Thompson (1998). “The Reduction of Zululand 1878-1904. In Natal and Zululand from Earliest Times to 1910, edited by Andrew Duminy and Bill Guest. Pietermaritzburg: Shutter and Shooter. Argyle, John (1978). “Dingiswayo Discovered: An Interpretation of His Legendary of His Legendary Origins. “In Social System and Tradition in Southern Africa, edited by John Argyle and Eleanor Preston-Whyte. London: Oxford University Press. Cooperation in Social and Economic Life, Marshall, Robert C. p. 318, Publisher: Alta Mira, Location: Blue Ridge Summit, PA, USA Date Published 11/2010, Language: en, LC Call Number: GN448.8--.C662010eb, eISBN: 9780759119833, pISBN:9780759119833, Decimal Number: 306.3, OCLC Number: 694362920