Weekly Assignment #1
CJ 433
A Better Way of Using/Gaining Intelligence There are many ways in which law enforcement official evaluate and analyze intelligence information. Many methodologies and attempts to implement better intelligence planning into routine police work has become a central goal of police function as a result of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The topics covered include a process of gaining critical intelligence and provide a foundation for better quality of the intelligence gained. According to the National Criminal Justice Sharing Plan(NCJSP), the model of the intelligence process is a six phase process in which helps determine the usefulness of intelligence gained(Carter, p.57). The six phase process includes planning, collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, and reevaluation of the intelligence information gained. The planning process includes not just evidence gathered as intelligence but also covers the realm of threats, which are not necessarily hard evidence but could be potentially devastating to communities. Threat identification is the first step to preventing a threat and needs to be determined exactly regionally where the threat is located but also what department of policing should work with the threat intelligence (59). The best way to implement better threat assessment into law enforcement work is to train law enforcement officers to always report with correctness any form of threats they receive from their routine police work. The second step in the process is collection of data and the goal is to collect intelligence information accurately and accordingly with the correct law enforcement department. “Collection also attempts to establish a criminal nexus with any person of organization that is identified in criminal justice records (63).” With the collection step of the intelligence process you must also account for the quality of the data that is collected for use in the