Project Report
Olga Diesendorf – 182942 Heilbronn University Master Business Management Email:
Presented to: Prof. Dr. M. Seidenspinner
Heilbronn, 10th February 2013
The current document represents a project report of the IP-Programme “Female Endeavour and Entrepreneurship” which took place in Vilnius, Lithuania from 19th – 31st of January 2013.
The first part is a brief introduction into the topic and the programme contents. In the first line the main purpose of the programme, namely the development of a business plan, is described. Additional the responsibilities and the team structures are described.
The second part is about the team tasks and my contribution to the team.
The third part contains the results that have been achieved by the group while developing the business plan. Personnel achievements are explained as well as common group achievements. It comprises the specific features of the entrepreneurial venture the business plan and the financial framework created by the author during the intensive programme in Vilnius.
The fourth part is about the author’s and the team’s learing experience. In this part the author summarizes the lessons learnt with regard diverse dimensions of learning. Further an overview about the daily summary is given.
In the final part four a conclusion and personnel summary is drawn. Further the author reveals his impressions during the intensive programme.
Table of contents
Abstract II
Table of contents II
Table of figures III
1. Introduction 1
2. Team tasks and your contribution to the team 2
3. The business venture 3
3.1. The business Plan 4
3.2. The finance plan 10
3.3. Results achieved 12
4. Lessons learnt 13
5. Conclusion 17
6. References 19
Table of figures
Figure 1: Competencies
References: Bruhn, Manfred (2010), Marketing: Grundlagen für Studium und Praxis, 10. Auflage, Gabler Verlag | Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden. Griese, Kai-Michael & Bröring, Stefanie (2011), Marketing-Grundlagen: Eine fallstudienbasierte Einführung, 1. Auflage, Gabler Verlag | Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden. Haunerdinger, Monika & Probst, Hans-Jürgen (2009), BWL leicht gemacht: Die wichtigsten Instrumente und Methoden der Unternehmensführung, 1. Auflage, Redline Verlag, FinanzBuch Verlag GmbH, München. Meffert, Heribert; Burmann, Christoph & Kirchgeorg, Manfred (2008), Marketing: Grundlagen marktorientierter Unternehmensführung, Konzepte – Instrumente – Praxisbeispiele, 10. Auflage, GWV Fachverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Thommen, Jean-Paul (2008): Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaft: Management von A bis Z, 4. Auflage, Verlag AG, Zürich.