News is one of the best know commodities in today’s world news is selective version of world events with a focus on that which is new and unusual. The concepts of news must have existed even before the beginning of the era of mass media called personal news.
The news and interesting information constitute news. News may be defined as any accurate fact or idea that will interest in a large number of readers. News has certain other ingredients which helped to distinguish a news item from one which is not. Rise and fall of the prices of potatoes by itself is not news. But a sudden spurt in prices may be set out. Thus it becomes news of wide interest.
The basic news values are:-
Change: It is a basic news value. If nothing happens there will be no change. But the word is not satic; every moment things are different from the proceeding moment. The bigger the change and more the people affected by this change, the more important it is from the news point of view.
Human interests: Almost everything in news concerns human beings, but this particular news value is the emotional context of the news events. People generally ignore news which lacks emotional context. Anything that appeals to everybody, not because of interests in the subject but because everybody shares human experience, has news value. According to channels point of view crime stories often have a human interest. Human interest is also involved when it depicts extraordinary persons in ordinary situations.
Causes: the causes of news worthy event also make news. Every event has consequence and has its causes also. The causes of a hotel fire may be known immediately. It will make news but if it is not known all efforts to find out the causes, and possible interpretations, will make news.
Consequences: The immediate and long term consequence of an event also makes news. The more people it affects the greater is the Consequence. Fear of