“A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” ~Theodore Roosevelt (Graduation Quotes, Commencement Sayings, Advice For Graduates, 2012). Education is something one could say gives you a better understanding of the world. Without Education in this day and time you may find a job but a career is much harder to obtain. Although the job market and economy are still suffering quite a bit and there are worries of whether or not you will find employment after college, it is thought to be the best option for obtaining a great career. Choosing what to go to school for after graduation can seem challenging. The medical field is rapidly growing career field that is increasing in demand every year, with higher patient demands and growing technology. As long as we are here, the demand for medical field careers will continue to be here as patients need to be taken care of by medical personnel.
The medical field has many careers to choose from and is not solely limited to nurses and doctors. Some examples of the career choices in the medical field are a Registered Nurse (RN), a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), a Medical Assistant, and a Certified Nursing Assistant. The growth in these careers all have grown in the last several years and is expected to continuously grow over the next four years, with some fields having more drastic growth than others. Registered Nursing jobs are expected to grow by 23% between the years of 2006-2016, with just an associate’s degree in this field. Registered Nurses assess incoming patient’s symptoms and the severity of them. They can also offer advice on care to stay healthy as well as administer some forms of treatment or care. They are often overseen or supervised by Physicians. LVN’s and LPN’s are expected to grow approximately 14% from 2006-2016. The schooling on average
References: Graduation Quotes, Commencement Sayings, Advice For Graduates.(2012).The Quote Garden. Retrieved from http://www.quotegarden.com/graduation.html. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Quotes-BrainyQuote.(2012). BrainyQuote. Retrieved from http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/h/h_jackson_brown_jr.html Lang, Janell.(2009). Academic Search Premier. The outlook in the health sciences. New Directions For Community Colleges, (146), 53-62. O*NET OnLine.(2011).O*NET. Retrieved from http://www.onetonline.org. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2012). United States Department of Labor. Retrieved from http://www.bls.gov/.