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A Case of Iron Deficiency

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A Case of Iron Deficiency
A Case of Iron Deficiency
(Summarizing and Note-Taking)
Describe the structure of a molecule of hemoglobin and explain the role played by iron in the transport of oxygen.
The structure of hemoglobin is a hemi group. A hemi group consists of an iron (Fe) ion held in a heterocyclic ring. Iron binds with oxygen. Therefore, it has a very important role in transporting oxygen in the blood.
How is iron stored and transported in the body?
Iron can be stored within intestinal entrecotes bound to ferritin and transported transversely along the basolateral membrane of intestinal entrecotes. The liver is the chief storage site for iron and the key site of iron consumption is the bone marrow for hemi synthesis.
What is Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) and how frequently does it occur?
A person with the condition IDA does not have the adequate amount of iron to meet the body’s needs. Iron deficiency anemia is the most widespread tope of anemia. According to Melanie Lamphrecht’s article titled “Iron Deficiency Anemia,” approximately 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women, and 3% of men are iron deficient.
What are the most common causes of IDA?
In IDA there is a reduction in the amount of red blood cells in the blood, which is caused by having too little iron. The most common causes are insufficient iron in the diet, poor absorption of iron by the body, or blood loss- either from long term menstruation or from a hemorrhage.
Why are women more prone to IDA than men?
Women are more prone to IDA than men because they have a lower supply of iron than men and lose iron more often than men due to blood loss during menstruation.
What are the red blood cell indices, and what tests are diagnostic for IDA?
According to MedlinePlus, there are three red blood cell indices: mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. The mean corpuscular volume demonstrates the size of red blood cells. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin value represents hemoglobin quantity in an average red blood cell. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determines the concentration of hemoglobin in an average red blood cell. Red blood cell measures of hemocrit and hemoglobin; size of red blood cells, sercum iron level, and iron binding capacity in the blood are diagnostic tests for IDA. IDA patients will show low mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration results.
How is IDA treated and prevented?
IDA can be treated and prevented by incorporating a diet that is high in iron. Red meat, liver, raisins, spinach, broccoli, and egg yolks are examples of food that are high in iron. Iron supplements, which may be recommended by a doctor may also help prevent low iron levels or increase one’s iron levels.

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