A challenge to all academicians in India who support English education in India. This article is also a challenge to all professionals working in India and outside, who are beneficiaries of English education in the secondary level. If you think deeply, you will understand the gravity of this issue.
I have been thinking to write about this issue for some time, but due to lack of time, could not. This article is a direct challenge to all those who support English education in India. I am sorry to say that I am also a part of this system, which was against my will, so also millions of other boys and girls in India. I am not against learning or speaking English, it is a must for surviving in the present day world. My point is that basic education and technical education must be in native language, like Hindi, Tamil, Sanskrit, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu etc. As long as we follow the present pattern of technical and higher education in English(foreign) language, we will never produce super genius scientists, engineers and other professionals, rather our students will end up working for American and European companies enhancing their economy in the long run for few dollars. This is what is happening in India now. If we study the history of India (Bharat), we find that we had world famous thinkers and scientists in the past, hundreds of years back. From Aryabhatta to Chanakya, from Shushrutha to Ramanujan, From Charaka to Bharadwaj muni, from Lord Budha to Lord Mahavira we had super genius people who were real engineers, physicians and political and religious thinkers who shaped humanity. There are thousands of such examples, if you study history of pre-British India.
India even after being attacked for thousands of years by Mughals , had a native educational system which was incomparable with anything anywhere in the world. We had more than 1200 universities and most famous were Nalanda and Taxila(Now