The report “Comparison of Stock Broker, Dealer, Authorized Representative -focusing Bangladesh & Malaysia” is based on putting light on the divergence of the functionality, qualifications, regulatory requirements, codes of conduct, scope of activities between the two countries. Whereas Bangladesh has a small capital market which is one of the smallest in Asia, Malaysia is one of the largest capital market in this region which started its development stage earlier than the crack of dawn of Bangladeshi capital market. So the scope and arena of the Malaysian market players and trading participants are wider in the foreign market also. Moreover the Malaysian trading intermediaries have a wider range of securities to deal with as the capital market takes hold strong positions in bonds, stocks and derivatives. A mentionable point about the Malaysian capital market is the Islamic financing system prevalent in the market which is regulated by the “Labuan Financial Services & Securities Act, 2010”. Hence, the differences between the trading intermediaries between the two countries exceed the similarities of the two.
Bangladesh Capital Market - An Overview .
Bangladesh capital market is quite small compared to both other regional markets and to the size of its economy. Though generally a capital market has two prongs, the stock market and the debt market, Bangladesh market has only stock market in active operation, as a debt market is still in its incipient stage. However, the stock market is also considerably small thanks to a conducive regulatory regime, lack of incentives and local business ethos.
Among over 45,000 small and medium companies only 310 have become listed till April 30, 2007, of which 33 have been de-listed in the past 15 years. Now the number of securities that