Master of Science – International Business
Course: International Business Economics
Title: New Regionalism (2,002 words)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schüle
Assignment: What do you understand by the "new regionalism"? Discuss whether the effects of this are positive or negative in economic efficiency terms of the global economy.
Tobias Baumert Hinter der Kirche 17 55129 Mainz
London South Bank University - ID: 2906244 University of Applied Sciences - ID: 901712 27 November 2012 1
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................. 1 1. Why Multilateralism leads to Impasse..................................................... 1 2. The Way to New Regionalism................................................................. 2
2.1 Static Effects........................................................................................ 3 2.2 Dynamic Effects................................................................................... 4 2.3 Political Condition................................................................................. 5
3. Conclusion.............................................................................................. 6
List of abbreviations
CAP EC EC 6 ECU EEC EU e.g. FOEGA FTA GATT GDP LDC MFA NAFTA NTB RTA ROW TC TD ToT USA WTO Common Agricultural Policy European Community Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands European Currency Unit European Economic Community European Union exempli gratia European Agricultural Guarantee and Guidance Fund Free Trade Agreement General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Gross Domestic Product less developed country Multi-fibre Agreement North American Free Trade Agreement Non-Tariff Barrier Regional Trade Agreement rest of the world Trade Creation Trade Diversion Terms of Trade United States
References: Bulard, M., Gresh, A., Rekacewicz, P. (2012). Atlas der Globalisierung - Die Welt von morgen. Berlin, le Monde diplomatique Ceccini, P. (1992). The European Challenge: 1992. Aldershot, Wildwood House, from Salvatore, D. (2007). International Economics. Hoboken NJ, Wiley de Melo, J., Panagariya, A. (1992). The New Regionalism in Trade Policy. Washington, The World Bank Dicken, P. (2007). Global Shift - Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy. London, California, New Delhi, SAGE Dyczkowska, J., Dyczkowska, T., Kardasz, A. (2010). The European Integration in the Fields of Research - Economic Impact. Wroclaw, Wroclaw University of Economics Eibner, W. (2008). International Economic Integration. München, Oldenbourg Feenstra, R.C., Taylor, A.M. (2008). International Trade. New York, Worth Publishers Gresh, A., Radvanyi, J., Rekacewicz, P. (2010). Atlas der Globalisierung. Berlin, le Monde diplomatique Nello, S.S. (2005). The European Union - Economics, Policies and History. Berkshire, McGraw-Hill Education 17 Salvatore, D. (2007). International Economics. Hoboken NJ, Wiley Weiler, J.H.H. (2005). The EU, The WTO and the NAFTA. Oxford, Oxford University Press 18