(Draft 3) Nowadays, human resource management (HRM) has been highly valued little by little, because human resource is the most precious resource in enterprise. No matter to do the simple works such as running errands or to map out whole organization’s plan, all need “human” to execute and manage. Human resource is not only assets of an organization but key resource. As a result, the influential of HRM has increased toward company management. Currently, more and more companies make personnel department become independent from general services department. Even instead of personnel department companies change its name into human resource management department. According to an article in a website named Management Study Guide, it claims that personnel management is essentially “workforce” centered whereas human resource management is “resource” centered. In the other words, personnel management is often considered an independent function of organization. It provides a response to demands and concerns as it is presented. On the contrary, human resource management is said to incorporate and develop personnel management tasks, while seeking to create and develop workers for the benefit of organization. Its primary goal is to enable employees to work to a maximum level of efficiency. Toward HRM activity, there are many categories from different scholars. In my paper, I would base on Huang’s idea to classify HRM activity into four categories ─ staffing, training, and maintenance to compare the HRM between Korea and Taiwan. I believe that a completed HRM system is pretty one of the most important impulse to Korea’s companies and economic development. The motivation makes me compare Korea and Taiwan is the impressive economical
development of Korea. First, last three decades the outstanding economic development of South Korea is hailed as” Miracle on the Han River”. I regard that there is certainly some
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