Amy Tan's mother spoke broken English, which was a strange mix of English and Chinese. A mixture that is usually portrayed comically by certain roots of media. Although in actuality, the struggles that she had to deal with because of her native home, made life difficult. The comparable Betty
Shamieh is Palestinian and writes plays, was censored for her September 11th material that was deemed unfitting. In different yet similar ways, initially they are both being censored. One woman is
censoring herself by sheer accident and the other censored for speaking out too much with her art. The censoring is solely dependent on their race affecting their life in America, which unfortunately enough, is an almost impossible thing to make cease.
That seems to just be the constant bond between those two elements. Confliction of history and misunderstanding will most likely always be a concern to some. Not every individual can perfect social settings with an infinite amount of variables. No one can guess all the conversations or contact people may have with others for the day