2. Geography - Spectrum
3. Indian Polity - Constitution of India by Bakshi
4. Indian Economy - Plus One, Plus Two Books, Pratiyogita Darpan
5. General Science - Tata Mc Graw Hill Guide
6. Mental Ability - Quantitative Apitude by R.S. Aggarwal
7. Current Affairs - Some magazines and Newspapersi. The Hindu/The Times of India ii. Frontline iii. Civil Service Chronicle iv. Chanakya
v. Competition WIZARD vi. Civil Services Today8. Guides1. Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Spectrum
3. UniqueTopic Wise Reference On General StudiesBooks on Indian History & Culture:
NCERT (+ 2 level) — Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India.
Publication Division : Gazetteer of India (Vol 2 : History & Culture)
Gandhi Nehru Tagore & Ambedkar — Gopal Krishna
Bipin Chandra - Modern India
A.C.Banerjee - History of Modern India Raghavan Aiyer — Mahatma Gandhi
Books on Geography:
NCERT : Physical Geography of India for X - XII Std
A Good School Atlas
Sharma & Cotinho : Economic and Commercial Geography of India.
Khullar : India- A Comprehnsive Geography
Charles Farro : General Principles of World Geography
Charles Farro : Monsoon Asia Reports published by Centre for Science and Enviornment And Tata Energy Research Institute
National journal - Kurukshetra, Yojana etc.
Down to earth
Books on Indian Economy:
NCERT (+1 level)—Evolution of Indian Economy(I C Dhingra).
Mishra & Puri or Dutt & Sundaram - Indian Economy
Economic Survey
The Economic Times,Business Standard
Books on Social and National Issues :
Social Problem -