We the people of CARPE DIEM Island, in Order to establish a good community where all people from different countries live happily, promote peace instead of wars/ conflicts, make laws beneficial to all, creating a better business environment, cleaner environment, and assist the needy at home and abroad….
CARPE DIEM Island has a democratic republic form of government. Democratic Republic is the best form of government for the needs of my people because the people in my island will choose their leader and representatives who they thing are capable to lead them to create a perfect union and make the right choose for the good of everyone.
CARPE DIEM Island uses a mixed economy. This economy is the best economic system for the need of my people because make people be free to choose and own their own businesses and also be regulated by a government.
National Government
National Government
CARPE DIEM Island has a Federal System where a union of states under a central government distinct from that of the separate states.
Regional government
Regional government
Regional government
Regional government
Regional government
Regional government
In a federal system this is the power relationship between my national and regional governments. Legislative branch:
Politicians make the laws and the Carpen Diem people elect them. They have to be a person from every born country. In a community Carpen Diem people write a letter to the politic in charge, he revised it and decide if he will discus it with the other politicians. When a letter is discussed for the politicians. They invited the person who writes the letter to explain him or her