After setting the scene with my client and talking through the essential ground rules, including confidentiality, we began the session. I began by explaining that we had 40 minutes and that it was up to my client how she wanted to use the time. Rosie, who’s name I have changed for the purpose of anonymity, then proceeded to talk about her thoughts and concerns about being self employed and having her own shop and moving in to a flat with her partner.
Extract 1
Client: “At the moment I’d like to continue..but obviously I’ve got to think about the financial things and whether it’s the right thing to do or not, because at the moment I’m just constantly in my overdraft and never really get out of my overdraft…. It would be nice to have a bit of money coming in but I don’t really know what the best option to do is…umm”
Counsellor: “Sounds like you’re pretty confused”
Client: “Yeah.. I’d say very confused at the moment, and as much as your friends and family give you advice.. I think it’s very.. personal .. about my shop. I cried last week because I just felt so confused..”
Counsellor: “I get the sense you’re feeling quite.. frustrated”
Client: “Yes, really frustrated. I can’t continue with my shop the way things are going and I just don’t know what to do.”
The above extract shows my use of reflection. In both instances, I have sensed some emotional content from the client and have offered this back to her gently in an attempt for her to clarify whether my senses were correct. On each occasion, my reflections prompted the client