CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills programme 2010) is a tool for one to criticize research paper. The questions provided, make one think and consider whether a research study is convincing and trustworthy. In the following, CASP will be used to criticize 1 quantitative research and 1 qualitative research.
Paper 1
For quantitative research, Experiences of sub-fertility among Chinese couples in Hong Kong: a qualitative study (Loke, A, Yu P, Hayter M (2011) would be used.
1. Was there a clear statement of aims of the research?
Yes, the aim is clearly stated in the essay, “This study aimed to explore the lived experience of sub-fertility among Chinese couples in Hong Kong.” (Loke, Yu, Hayter [2011]). The population of the research is the couples that without children even if they tried. The research investigates their feelings and experience by interviews in 5 months, from August 2003 to January 2004.
2. Is a qualitative methodology appropriate?
Yes, this study uses phenomenological approach which can reflects one’s experience and feelings( Parahoo 1997) as the frame of the design of this research, this can logically making abstract materials into qualitative data for a research. Since quantitative research aims of numerical and accountable result (Denzin, Lincoln [2000] ), it is not suitable to use quantitative approach to investigate feelings and experience.
3. Was the research design appropriate to address the aims of the research?
Yes, since the research aims to study the experience of sub-fertility of Chinese couples, the design is using phenomenological approach such as interviews, conversation and participants observation to those “involuntary childless” couples (Loke, Yu, Hayter [2011]) which is for the aim of the research. By recording the interviews during conversation and interpreting the facial expression, general feelings of the participants can