On June 21 2005, and amid all the pressure exerted on the group of eight to find a solution for Africa’s situation, Max Dawson who is a policy advisor for Oxfam (yet another association that aims to reduce poverty) decided to argue the case of doubling aid to African countries. Dawson’s web-article titled “Aid to Africa ‘must be doubled’” that was posted on the BBC news website strongly argues that emergency aid to Africa is not enough but Africa should be supplied with long-term aid in order to prosper. While Dawson’s arguments were reasonable, he committed some errors in terms of interpreting information and providing valid solutions.
In his article titled “Aid to Africa 'must be doubled”, Dawson asserts that emergency aid to Africa is not enough, but long term aid should be provided to help Africa bloom socially, economically and politically. Max Dawson states that British emergency-aid has helped remove some kids from the streets where they would have encountered infectious diseases, and