You are given 4 topics (plus one suggested by the group) for your debate.
The topics for the 2014 debate are as follows:
1. We are all economic man (Homo Economicus)
2. Businesses have no responsibility outside of those who have ownership in the company.
3. Work can be dehumanising rather than fulfilling
4. Taylorism has left a lasting legacy
5. – TBC (topic proposed by the group)
Presumably you have already started preparing for the debate. Please remember to keep all the sources you use to prepare/ construct your arguments in order to refer to the authors/sources during the debate. (The rules of referencing are similar to those applying to a written assignment)
Every person has to be prepared to argue for and against the issues indicated in the topic.
Every debating group will consist of 6 people – 3 affirmative and 3 negative.
You will only be informed 10 minutes before the commencement of the debate if you are a member of the affirmative or negative team. This is why it is very important to be fully prepared to debate on both sides of the topic.
Every member of the debating team will have to speak, however please try to do not exceed approx. 2 minutes per speech.
Team roles/ structure of the debate:
1. The motion (topic) of the debate will be defined by the first speaker from the affirmative team, who will also present one argument in favour of the team’s case (or if preferred a set of more general arguments)
2. The first member of negative team (sitting directly opposite to the first speaker from the affirmative team) will then rebut the overall line of the arguments presented by the first affirmative speaker followed by ‘presenting the negative teams’ argument.
3. The second member of the affirmative team will then rebut the main points presented by the first negative tem member, followed by presenting an argument of the affirmative’s case.
4. The second member of the negative team will then rebut the main points of the affirmative's case