Units are the basics calculation. A system of forces cannot be interpreted unless there is homogeneity of units. A very simple example can be used to explain this concept. Imagine a force of twenty kips and twenty Newton acting on the same direction, we know the two forces will add up however we do not know what the value will be since the two forces do not have the same base units. It cannot be said the summation of the two forces will add up to forty, even if the value was forty, the unit of this force will be unknown. Therefore, to solve this example, homogeneity of units is required and this can be either obtained by either converting the twenty kips into Newton or by changing the twenty Newton force to kip force or by converting both forces to some other form of force. If the twenty kip force is transferred to Newton force, then the final answer will be in Newton and if the twenty Newton force is converted to kip force, then the final value of force will be in kip or both forces can be transferred into a new type of force where the final value will be in the new type of force. To transfer a force, a factor is needed to convert kip force into Newton force or vice versa which is a unit converter. The unit converter that transfers kip force into Newton force is 138.2 Newton per kip and the unit converter that transfers Newton force to kip force is 0.00723 kip per Newton. Using these converters, we have the final force in the direction of the force as 20.14 kip in terms of kip force or 2784 Newton in terms of Newton force.
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