"When I pointed to him his palms slipped slightly, leaving greasy sweat steaks on the wall, and he hooked his thumbs in his belt. A strange small spasm shook him, as if he heard fingernails scrape slate, but as I gazed at him in wonder the tension slowly drained from his face. His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbour's image blurred with my sudden tears.…
In “My Papa’s Waltz’ by Theodore Roethke, the speaker’s tone towards his father is one that is loving and admiring. This is seen in the word choice of the speaker when interacting with his father.…
He let the ministries zip past (the pink, the white), and a series of stores on the main street, their windows flash ing. Now he was beginning the most pleasant part of the run, the real ride: a long street bordered withtrees, very little traffic, with spacious villas whose gardens rambled all theway down to the sidewalks, which were barely indi cated by low hedges. Abit inattentive perhaps, but tooling along on the right side of the street, heallowed himself to be carried away by the freshness, by the weightlesscontraction of this hardly begun day. This involuntary relaxa tion, possibly,kept him from preventing the accident. When he saw that the womanstanding on the corner had rushed into the crosswalk while he still had thegreen light, it was already somewhat too late for a simple solu tion. Hebraked hard with foot and hand, wrenching him self to the left; he heard thewoman scream, and at the collision his vision went. It was like falling asleep all at once. He came to abruptly. Four or five young men were get ting him out from under the cycle. He felt the taste of salt and blood, oneknee hurt, and when they hoisted him up he yelped, he couldn't bear the presssure on his right arm. Voices which did not seem to belong to thefaces hanging above him encouraged him cheerfully with jokes and assurances. His single solace was to hear someone else confirm that thelights indeed had…
“I felt the old rage of helplessness. But as for Chris – he gave no sign of feeling anything. He was sitting on the big wing-backed sofa curled into the bay window like a black and giant seashell. He began to talk to me, quite easily, just as though he had not heard a word my grandfather was saying. This method proved to be the one Chris always used in any dealings with my grandfather.…
The son, Charlie, tells his story about having an extra hour and a half between trains and wants to see his father. After extending a written invitation to his father, his father’s secretary responded and confirmed the reunion. The fact that his secretary responded tells us that, after not seeing his son for three years, he wasn’t overly exhilarated about seeing him. We can assume that he didn’t have ‘time’ to personally respond to his estranged son. But nevertheless, he agreed to meet. Seeing his father coming through the crowd, Charlie “felt that he was my father, my flesh and blood, my future and my doom” (Cheever…
an identity crisis. He was constantly reminded of the disappointment he was to his father, and started to…
“Your father is outside in the car and it seems you are ready to go home. You may be a little drowsy, but just rest and you will recover quickly.”…
I wanted to go to him and ask him what was wrong, but I didn’t dare…But then I couldn’t stand it anymore and I got up and ran down the hall to the kitchen. There, in the middle of the room, wearing his Goodyear jacket and work clothes was my father. He was on his hands and knees, his head hanging as though it were too heavy to support, and he was rocking back and forth and babbling in a rhythmical stutter. It’s funny, but the first thing I thought when I saw him like that was the way he used to let me ride on his back, when I was little, bucking and neighing like a horse. And as soon as I thought it, I felt my heart lurch in my…
“What is wrong with you, boy?” , his father asked in a more toned voice.…
Tom's father uses a light mood and a smile to transition Tom from an angry state to a calmer one.…
The tough times of latter years had wrinkled the skin on his face, yet the old green eyes affectionately gleamed about the times ahead. He gazed intently at his gnarled hands which persistently provided reminiscence of the past. His aches were his constant companions, not friends, but always with him. His voice was slow as he stumbled upon words at times. But often he was overwhelmed by emotions that had been buried for decades. These emotions, however were destroyed in an instant.…
I sat up just in time to see my father stumble through the front door. He had cuts across his face. His boots were caked in dirt. His clothes were torn and he could barely speak. Behind him on the front porch was some food. It was a few small bags of rice, meat, and fruit.…
“Sure thing. Why don’t you get him to sit down on that bench while I radio someone over.” The woman keeps looking back at my dad with a worried look on her face but she quickly springs into action to get a medic over to check him…
Mayella looked at her father, who was sitting with his chair tipped against the railing. He sat up straight and waited for her to answer.…
A single word can be used to belittle, hurt, and humiliate. One word can cause so much hurt to a person that they burst into tears or spiral down into a damaging hole that they can 't get out of for an extended amount of time. Throughout history, names have been used to keep a population in its place. Insults have been hurled to make a single person understand what another thinks of them. Words are used all the time to cause damage to a person or an entire peoples soul. One word can have a lot of power.…