In King Lear, the ruler of Britain, Lear pronounces his plan to divide his kingdom to his three daughters. He asks his daughters to proclaim their love to him and the one who loves him most will be given the greatest share. King Lear's youngest , Cordelia seems to foil his plan to grant her the most share. Lear gets outrage that she failed the love test and casts her out. I believe his outrage was a success but it could have been handled differently.
I believe the purpose of the love test was so that King Lear did not show favoritism. It was planned before the test that he had chosen to give majority of his land to Cordelia. Unfortunately Cordelia express her love very little she tells Lear, “Unhappy that I am, I cannot heave my heart into my mouth. I love your majesty according to my bond, no more nor less”(6.91-93) But it is not enough he asks her to mend her speech a little. By asking Cordelia to fix her love speech that shows King Lear allowing her to redeem herself so that he may grant her the greatest amount of his kingdom. Cordelia goes on stating,
“ You have begot me, bred me, loved me. I return those duties back as are right fit, Obey you, love you, and most honor you. Why have my sisters husbands if they say they love you all? Haply, when I shall wed, that lord whose hand must take my plight shall carry half my love with him, have my care and duty. Sure I shall never marry like my sisters, [To love my father all].”(6-7.96-104).
After she states that he will only carry half her love and stating she is young but her words are the truth. Lear becomes outraged by this and disowns her and forever be a stranger to him. Lear speaks with Kent about Cordelia, “.. Come not between the dragon and his wrath.....-Hence and avoid my sight! So be my grave my peace as here I give her fathers heat from her!Call France...Let pride, which she calls plainness, marry her...”(7-8.123.130)
Lear's outrage was not in fact