Jeanette Juachi, a high school senior, who has been granted admission at Cal State Dominguez Hills; however, with her mother unemployed and her deceased father, she has been left with the burden to meet her annual student obligation. She tirelessly works as a cashier at a supermarket, after her long day at school. The price of tuition has been rapidly increasing over the past few years; therefore, many families are questioning whether college is worth the cost and hassle for those 4 years. While a college degree can lead to a more lucrative and fulfilling career, it can also engender a huge financial burden that can encumber graduates for many years to come.…
Tuition has gone up every year by 9.8 percent since 1994, which many families are stressing to provide that…
While there are significant challenges that students face during the process of planning to attend college. The research indicates that there are significant disadvantages when comparing the expense. For instance, students are taking longer to graduate, increased costs, decrease in federal assistance,…
In this article it talks about the rise of tuition and fees and the fact that financial aid and income are not able to cover the cost.…
Students are affected by this increase because they are forced to take out larger loans, work full time or may even have to take fewer classes. They face opportunity costs because they are willing to sacrifice working for school hoping that school will help them more in the end. This increase not only affects the student, but the parents as well, that means that taxpayers are subsidizing a smaller share of the cost of their state universities, while students and their parents are paying an even larger slice. State funding now accounts for about 36% of revenues at public colleges, down from 45% in 1980, while tuition accounts for 19% of state university revenue, up from 13% twenty years ago.…
Given that tuition and fees at colleges and universities are rising at a pace higher than the cost of living, students face an increasingly difficult burden of funding their educational pursuits. Since the 1980s, the cost of higher education has skyrocketed; college tuition and fees have…
The cost of college tuition has grown by a whopping 80% in a short span of a decade in the 2000s. This cost is not matched by inflation of the dollar currency in the United States. College tuition is increasing and more and more college students are caused to sacrifice things such as food to afford a place to live and the place to learn: college. College prices are going up and government money to college students is only going down. As the cost of tuition and housing goes up, more and more college students are getting tempted to cut costs of food. This choice to cut food is dangerous to their health and their degrees. The college students that need financial assistance come from low-income households. A degree is a great way to escape poverty, but college students must sometimes endure undeserved hunger long enough to get that diploma. Some are unable to withstand this and drop out because of the food…
The dreams of numerous college students are being crushed before they even step through the doors of their dream university. Imagine being accepted only to see the price tag for four years at the school is a quarter of a million dollars that’s enough to make the most ambitious people stop and think. It’s way too expensive! College that is, families of all sizes are reconsidering where they send their children. Why? Some may ask this question it’s due to the rising cost of the tuition. People of all walks of life except for the richest find it hard to pursue secondary education out of fear of falling into large amounts of debt that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Examples are being made around the world about the benefits of allowing secondary education to be free or reducing the cost of schooling to make it more affordable.…
Tuition rates have increased over the past year and even the wealthiest family haven’t been able to keep up with the cost of college tuition. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) determines the student eligibility for financial aid which tends to give aid to families that earn an income of less than 50,000 and has left a large group of middle-class families who earn more than 50,000 and less than 100,000 out without…
Prices have been constantly rising and no one knows how high the prices will be in the future. This issue is very concerning to me and families throughout the United States because we are all afraid that many students will not be able to attend college. The high cost as the only reason someone is not able to go to college is completely absurd. In many cases, where you go…
Making it that much more difficult to afford college. It was reported by College Board, “the average published tuition for in-state students at public universities–which represent 45% of full-time undergraduates–rose to $9,410 this year, up 2.9% from last year”(Clark). Now add that there are a lot of people in the U.S. that are already on a tight budget, because of the cost of their tuition and them wanting to pay it off as soon as possible, will only make their budgets tighter. The percentage of the cost of college is getting higher, making it that much more difficult to try to afford college. It would not benefit anyone if the price of tuition was to rise year after year every year.…
This year the average college student will graduate with at least $20,000 in student loan debt (College access and success). For years higher education has been worshiped with God like influence as a way to escape poverty and attain a career and live the American life. With the rising college tuitions it has become increasingly harder for the middle class to afford college and reap the benefits. Seven out of ten students, will have a burden over their shoulders for years to come as to how to repay the debt. Debt is no respecter of persons: business owners, single parents, teachers and seniors to this day are still constantly bombarded with debt.…
Student debt in on the rise. It arises from the increasing college tuition costs. It makes college attendance prohibitive to many people. Additionally, it translates to a higher student loan debts. College is expensive, to a point that many people consider it a dream come true to attend college. The current developments in the world mean that there are an ever-increasing number of new courses. Moreover, the costs are on the rise to remain current with educational developments. Individuals who are disproportionately affected include people of color and the poor.…
With the challenge of paying for college today in the down economy, the survey looked at the impact that financial stress had on students. Overall, 22 percent of entering students expected paying for college would be "very difficult."…