Narrative Prompt Response
Read the prompt below. Then write a response to the prompt. You have exactly 45 minutes to complete this assignment.
(100 points)
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1. Being someone’s friend means caring about the person and being there for him or her in good and bad times. Tell a story about a time when you were a good friend to someone that you care about.
I had a friend who was having problem with her mother. She would say that her mom was yelling and getting angry for no reason. And her mom would say that she is being rude and disrespectful . She came to me one day and said that her mom told her she was going live with her dad ,she was crying and she didn’t want to go . I took her mothers side of the story. I told her that she should stop talking back don’t be rude or disrespectful .She replied that her mom would come home yelling and angry for no reason. I told her that should could be tired from working all day , asked does she clean the house or cook her something to eat . She said that when her mom starts to yell at her she just yells back . Told her that she cant yell back because that’s only gonna make her even more mad. She didn’t take my advice but she still live with her mother .
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