The story is about a ten-year-old girl named Lucy, whose parents are separated and doesn’t have money enough to fulfill their dreams. The father works at a garage, which isn’t enough for the family to live on, and he’s getting confronted with that all the time even though he’s giving all he have earned, to his family. In the start Lucy’s parents are discussing right in front of her, which make Lucy confused because she’s 10 years old and doesn’t yet understand what the big deal is, being poor.
The main character, Lucy, tells the story, which means it’s a 1st person narrator. That means, that she can only see things from her own point of view, and can therefore only observe the other characters from the outside. At page 9 in the top, is an example: “Next day after school I went around the back of the supermarket and searched for a box in the yard.” In the sentence appears “I” and she explains about her own action. The narrator is very describing about every action she goes through, for example at page 9: “I was reaching over a clump of blackjacks to cut off their flowers and they’d scattered their tiny black spikes on my T-shirt and shorts when I spotted my first fame lily, its wavy sweptback petals bright red at the top and yellow at he bottom exactly as if it was on fire.”
It seems like Lucy is all confused about the whole situation between her father and mother, because her mother let her confusions affect her. Because the little girl doesn’t know whether to go left or right, she decides to make a surprise for her mother. Therefore, she picks up some beautiful flowers in the wilderness so that she can sell it in the neighbourhood and earn money for her mother. It goes slightly easy for Lucy to sell the beautiful flowers and in less than an hour she have nothing left but five shillings and extra sixpence from a couple who’d bought three punches.
Lucy earns the money with good intentions, but her mother doesn’t see it in the