ENGL 1312: Section 2
Dr. West-Fort
September 25, 2013
A response to A Good man is Hard to Find By:- O' Connor
This story is creepy. The Grandmother is judgemental, bossy, opinionative woman. She is too lousy even though sometimes what she says makes sense. Her grand children John Wesley and June star do not like her. They were rude to her and the parents did not seem to get involved to tell the kids to respect her because she is an elderly which i found wrong.
The Grandmother is an opinionative person and the people she is surrounded with i.e her family, are kind of annoyed with that. I learned that the kids are from a rich home and they get away with whatever they say. Their mother barely disciplines them and i feel like that's what makes their grandma to talk, judge and compare them to her outh years when kids used to be more responsible.even
She is Judgemental.They stopped to grab something to eat at Red Sammy's but June Star was super rude to Red Sam's wife instead of the grandmother to be quite she told June Star "Aren't you ashamed?" pg 189. Then, she went on and on and judged Red Sammy saying " Because you are a good man!" Page 186 when Red sammy was talking about how people cannot be trusted. She does not even know Red Sammy so i don't know how or why she even jumped into conclusion.
The Grandmother brought up the story about the Misfit in the restaurant saying he escaped and she will not be suprised if he shows up at the place. While they were in the car, she saw a road that looked familiar from where she grew up from. She insisted on going there manipulating the kids minds. When they passed the road, they had to go back but if the Grandmother left that cat at home, they will not have had an accident on their way. Before the accident, she found out that that was not the place she grew up from it was not in Georgia but Tennesse. I dont even think she told them her thought. She could have told them that was not the place but she