|الجامعة الإسلامية – غزة | |Islamic University – Gaza |
|كلية التجارة | |Faculty of Commerce |
|قسم المحاسبة | |Department of Accounting |
Title Line 1
Title Line2
A Graduation Project Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of Commerce
The Islamic University of Gaza
Student names
Supervisor's name
Table of contents
Abstract 3
Introduction 4
Statement of the problem 6
Objectives 6 Main objective 6
Specific objectives 6
Significance of the project (work) 7
Scope and limitations of the project (work) 8
Methodology 9 current state of the art 9
related works 9
Time Table and budget 15
Bibliography 17
Two to three paragraphs describing your proposal, objectives, and expected results of your project.
(Start in a new page)
It should show the reader the subject being investigated and give a reason for pursuing the project. Write around 2 to 3 pages.
Statement of the problem
Formulate a problem that is carefully phrased and represents the single goal of the total project effort.
Always state the problem in a complete grammatical sentence with as great an economy of words as possible.
The problem should be so clearly stated that anyone could read it, understand it, and react to it without the benefit of your presence.
Main objective
The main objective of your project. You can derive it from the statement of the research problem.
Specific objectives
The specific objectives of the project are:
• Objective 1
• Objective 2