Indicators and practice
The Prevention and Education Unit of the Office of Police Integrity has produced this publication. Other types of publications available are:
Research Papers
Research papers are the product of rigorous research or review of a relevant aspect of policing or criminology. They provide information to support informed decisionmaking within policing and oversight agencies. OPI conducts research both independently and cooperatively with other institutions.
Discussion Papers
Discussion papers present a range of perspectives on a relevant policing issue. Often, they present some exploratory research or provide general background to a particular issue.
Fact Sheets
OPI’s Fact Sheets provide Victoria Police members and the Victorian Community with accurate, practical information about rights and responsibilities, the role of OPI, and preventing corruption and misconduct.
Toolkits are practical materials, such as this guide, designed to assist police in their day-to-day roles.
The Office of Police Integrity is working with Victoria Police to ensure the highest professional and ethical standards are maintained. In addition to its practical application, the material contained in this guide can be used to educate staff and generate discussion about ethical conduct, leadership, and integrity within the organisation. Office of Police Integrity
Level 3, South Tower
459 Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone 03 8635 6188
Fax 03 8635 6185
Toll Free 1800 818 387
Email December 2009
Building workplace integrity ....................................................................................4
How to use this guide.................................................................................................5
Workplace integrity indicator ...................................................................................7
Workplace integrity practice