As for the narrator of the story, her name is Susan. She was 10 years old when John-Jin came into her family. She wanted to become a great Spanish dancer. She viewed John-Jin as beautiful as a flower. She goes into great detail as to why she thought that. The pavilion that her father and herself would go and play miniature golf at, earlier in the story moved 5 inches out to sea and made it unsafe to use. Her father would wish at a wishing well there for John-Jin. Two years later the pavilion was rebuilt with help from girders purchased by the locals with a name engraved on them. Suzan's parents bought one with John-Jin's name on it. In my own view, the pavilion stood for mortality. Meaning that nothing lasts forever and everything has its end. When the pavilion was there at the beginning of the story, Susan showed great excitement for going there and described it as a fun place to be. Toward the end of the story she didn't describe the pavilion as a great place to be anymore. Instead, she walked to the end of the pier and looked down wondering if someone was to remove John-Jin's girder, would everything fall? I get a since that the narrator had the same point of view that I did. I think that what she meant by saying that is, I wonder what would have happened if John-Jin never existed anymore. She's getting a since that no one or anything is immortal.
Susan said toward the end of the story that she knows