In this essay I will discuss how successfully present the close family relationships in a Hero
I will start by talking about his relationship with Swami’s relationship with his father. Looking at the text we can tell the relationship between him and his father is sort of a tough love relationship. This is proven when swami is sent to sleep in the office even though he fears darkness. Although in this seems as torture and torment and any normal person would call social services. But this is so swami can “prove you have courage” this tells us that swamis father really does want what is best for swami rather than just torment him y maing him sleep in the darkness. It is also shown that he wants what is best for his child when he talks to the mother “alright, molly-coddle and spoil him as much doesn’t what him to stay spoiled for the rest of his life.
But his relationship between him and his mother and his grandmother his much different. The relationship between him and his grandmother is really one of mild disrespect. “Please, Please shut up granny” this tells us that he finds his grandmother so nice that there is a lack of respect between him and her. And he doesn’t explain what is really going on “I might die” although his grandmother doesn’t necessarily understand what is going on. She is left in the dark so she would still try to protect him from his father.
Whilst his relationship between his mother and him is a frustrating one for his mother. She feels like she is a second choice for swami as after he went to his grandma for help. She goes for her. Also she says “I hardly know anything about the boy” although this is not possible as she is his mother this might mean he always goes to his grandmother I hardly have the chance to do anything with him.
But the relationship between the father and mother is quite a funny one. His mother really does put fear in the father’s heart. “No no I don’t mean you” this tells us that the father is fearing that