To begin with, the novel is set just after the emancipation of slaves. The society at this point in time is experiencing dynamic technological transformations. When the hurricane destroys their homes, parents make the vital decision of returning to their homes. In this regard, the massive destruction of the hurricane makes the parents to seek an alternative place of residence outside the Island. They are mindful of the wellbeing of the future generations and believe that children should not be left to perish. It is for this reason that they decide that their children should be ferried to England (Hughes 31). This is a sustainable survival technique that
Cited: Harold Cohen. The drama desk addenda. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 1 (1943), 24. Print. Hughes Richard. A high wind in Jamaica. USA: NYRB Classics, 1999. Print. Jonsen William. The adolescent hero: A trend in modern fiction. Twentieth Century Literature, 5 (1959): 3-11. Print. Swinnerton Frank. Books: Novel changes its name for British readers; Innocent Voyage soon to be reprinted. The Chicago Tribune 1. (1926): 6 Waksler Frances. Studying children: Phenomenological Insights. Human Studies, 9 (1986): 71-82