). With some resistance, most Gaelic lords submitted to the rule of the Queen. However, Queen Elizabeth found a major opponent in Hugh O 'Neill, Earl of Tyrone. Once loyal to England, O 'Neill fought for Ireland once the English government started increasing its rule (Wallace, "Flight of the Earls"). Although he won many battles against the English, O 'Neill eventually fled the country along with the Earl of Tryconnell (Wallace, "Flight of the Earls"). This event became known as the Flight of the Earls and ended English opposition for a short time. In the mean while, Protestant settlers from England and Scotland migrated to the confiscated counties of Ulster, in northern Ireland (Wallace, "Flight of the Earls"). These groups of settlers would form what is now known as Northern Ireland and created a protestant group in the mist of a Catholic country. This laid the foundations for today 's problems. The first example of violence between the Protestants and Catholics is illustrated in the brutal assault by Oliver Cromwell and his armies in 1649 (Wallace,
Bibliography: "Northern Ireland." Wikipedia: Free Online Encyclopedia. 2005. Northern Ireland Assembly. Homepage. 2003. 11 Feb 2005. Sinn Fein IRA Atrocities. 22 July 2003. 11 Feb 2005. Wallace, Martin. "The Curse of Cromwell." Ireland 's Eye. 11 Feb 2005 Wallace, Martin. "Flight of the Earls." Ireland 's Eye. 11 Feb 2005 Wallace, Martin. "Henry Grattan 's Parliament." Ireland 's Eye. 11Feb 2005