Chapter Notes from Journey Into Deaf-World
Chapter 1
Chapter one is basically an introduction to the issues that are discussed throughout the book. Chapter one introduces all the people that are constantly referred to throughout the book. Ben Bahan is the narrator and introduces us to Jake Cohan, Laurel Case, Roberto Rivera and Henry Byrne. Ben is a CODA, Child Of Deaf Adults, and like many CODA’s tried to stray from the deaf community be was eventually drawn back to it. He is currently teaching at the only deaf college called
Galludet University. Each of these characters describes there lives growing up deaf from when they became deaf, to how their parents reacted, to how they feel about it now. Jake describes himself as a CODA, his parents and brother are deaf. Naturally he grew up to be a well adjusted well rounded deaf adult. His parents were thrilled that he was deaf. Roberto grew up differently.
His family was all hearing, and their first language was
Spanish. His family had a hard time adjusting to the fact that he was deaf. However his mother eventually helped him by learning some signs. Laurel’s story was the most different. Her family was so unset about the fact that she was deaf that they enrolled her in a strictly oral program and she spent most of her life not being able to sign. She explains that she was deprived of being able to communicate for a good portion of her life because the school was so oral. Henry lost his hearing at the age of 21 so his experience was also very different. He explains that losing his hearing was the best thing that every happened to him. This sums up the whole chapter. It is trying to show the reader different reactions to being deaf, and how deaf people, like everyone else, have unique stories to tell.
1) What is a CODA and what does it mean?
2) What do many CODA's eventually do?
3) What is the books view on strictly oral schools?
Chapter 2
Posted by Lonnie R on Saturday, June 14, 2003 2:57pm