Setting: The story takes place in the early 1900s, probably between 1920 and 1930. The setting is a place called Dickson County, though no state is specified.
Plot: The basic plot of this story, which becomes the play, Trifles, is a woman by the name of Minnie Wright has killed her husband, John Wright. They live in a secluded farmhouse, and he.
• Climax- As the story reaches its' climax, the women find the dead bird wrapped up in Minnie Foster's sewing box. Moreover, the bird was not just killed, but it was tortured by having its neck wrung.
• Denouement- both women arrive to the conclusion that Mrs. Wright is guilty of her husband’s death but decide against turning her in.
1. Martha Hale *principal
2. Lewis hale
3. George Henderson (fiscal)
4. Sheriff Peter
5. Mrs Peter *principal
6. The womans
7. John Whright (el muerto)
8. Minnie Whrigt (esposa acusada) – Minnie Foster *principal
Theme: The difference between a man and a woman (How far people can be driven, empathy)
* The men think the women can do nothing that is helpful, but the women find all the evidence through using the things that the men find unhelpful.
Point of view: The point of view in this story is from Mrs. Hale's perspective. It is in third person limited. We don't know what all of the characters are thinking
Conflict: Men vs. woman
Narrator: This story is presented in a third person objective omniscient point of view. Mrs. Wrights home is the main setting.