A Learning Framework for Knowledge Building and Collective Wisdom Advancement in Virtual Learning Communities
Yongcheng Gan
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1V6, Canada Tel: +1 416 923-6641 ext 2454 yongcheng.gan@utoronto.ca
Zhiting Zhu
Educational Information Network Center, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China Tel: +86 21 62232654 ztzhu@dec.ecnu.edu.cn ABSTRACT
This study represents an effort to construct a learning framework for knowledge building and collective wisdom advancement in a virtual learning community (VLC) from the perspectives of system wholeness, intelligence wholeness and dynamics, learning models, and knowledge management. It also tries to construct the zone of proximal development (ZPD) of VLCs based on the combination of Vygotsky’s theory of zone of proximal development and the trajectories of knowledge building. The aim of a VLC built on the theories of constructivism, situated learning, and knowledge building, etc., is to apply individual intelligence to online learning, bring the advantages of collaborative learning and collective wisdom into play, solve difficult problems in independent learning, and lead to the integration and sublimation of collective wisdom through long-term individual interactions, collaborative learning and knowledge building.
Collective wisdom, Knowledge building, Virtual learning community, Collective intelligence, Knowledge management
Educational Challenge in a Knowledge Society The greatest challenge to education in a knowledge society is not how to effectively help learners to acquire a defined set of knowledge and skills, but in helping them to learn how to manage, work creatively with ideas and to contribute to the
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