Full Length Research Paper
A look out for academic impacts of Social networking sites (SNSs): A student based perspective
Ishfaq Ahmed* and Tehmina Fiaz Qazi
Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Accepted 20 April, 2011
This study implies the exploration of relationship between SNSs usage and educational performance of the student users. A sample of one thousand students was selected from different universities of Pakistan. In first step of Multistage Sampling Technique, simple random sampling technique was used to select 6 universities i.e. 2 from private sector and 4 from public sector. To form clusters, these universities were further divided and each cluster consisted of four faculties i.e. faculty of social sciences, faculty of engineering, faculty of business/management sciences and faculty of natural sciences. Simple random sampling was done at last stage of multistage sampling. Personally administrated questionnaires were used as data collection tool and 73% students responded back. Conclusion drawn is that student manage their time efficiently and fulfill their study requirements effectively, hence use of SNSs does not have an adverse impact on their academic performance. Key words: Social networking sites, students, academic performance, Pakistan.
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