Plot Summary: Rebecca's narrative takes the form of a flashback. The heroine, who remains nameless, lives in Europe with her husband, Maxim de Winter, traveling from hotel to hotel, harboring memories of a beautiful home called Manderley, which, we learn, has been destroyed by fire. The story begins with her memories of how she and Maxim first met, in Monte Carlo, years before. In her flashback, the heroine is working as the young traveling companion to a wealthy American named Mrs. Van Hopper. In her flashback, Maxim is staying at the same hotel as the heroine and her employer, and after knowing the heroine for only a few weeks, he proposes marriage. She accepts, and he marries her and takes her back to his ancestral estate of Manderley. But a dark cloud hangs over their marriage: Maxim's first wife, Rebecca, drowned in a cove near Manderley the previous year, and her ghost haunts the newlyweds' home. Rebecca's devoted housekeeper, the sinister Mrs. Danvers, is still in charge of Manderley, and she frightens…
2. King Uther invited the Earl and Countess of Cornwall to his castle. Then he wanted to marry the Countess but she said no, then The Earl and Countess ran away in the dead of night. When Uther finds out he threatens the Earl. The Earl puts himself and Countess in different castle. Merlyn puts Uther in the Earl’s castle and Uther kills the Earl then forcefully married the Countess and rapes her.…
The movie is about four friends who have a musical group, named “The Four Seasons”. The movie begins with three friends who start the group, which it is a trio. They meet Frankie, who has a very beautiful voice and they invite him to join the band. Besides singing they are also robbers, they are caught in the act and send to jail. However, Frankie is set free because he is under age.…
Catherine, understandably, was opposed to be divorced from Henry and tried her upmost to prevent the marriage being ended. Henry believed it would be easy to get a divorce from his wife due to Wolsey’s contacts, as papal legate and cardinal. However when it became clear that Wolsey’s efforts weren’t materializing, growing pressure began to remove Wolsey from his position. Wolsey went to desperate measures to resolve the problem, even attempting to put Catherine in a nunnery. However when all of these attempts failed, it was a combination of this, the failure of the amicable grant along with other factors, such as Wolsey’s opposition at court that combined to caused Henry to dismiss him from his position as Lord…
This difference is highlighted between Richard and looking for Richard through the reasons the audience seeks justice towards the character of Richard. The Shakespearean audience would hold the outlooks of Margaret from the beginning of the play as she states, "if heaven have any grievous plague in store exceeding those that I can wish upon thee o let them keep it till thy sins be ripe". Shakespeare encapsulates the tension created by Margaret’s curses in order to question whether justice is truly defined by man or god. The deviation from the iambic pentameter followed throughout the act exemplifies Margaret from the blind sited courts men within the room, ignorant towards Richard’s devious schemes. The omission of Margaret’s curses within the film and the omens present within the dream once more reflect the deflection from the religious traditions to address a more contemporary audience. The distinct emphasis on the psychological deterioration and conscience within character highlights before the murder of Clarence and the young princes stating, "Faith, some certain dregs of conscience are yet within me." Additionally, the hesitant manner of the murder conveys the role of our morality and personal beliefs in our action rather than those defined by…
Sarina State High School will meet all legislative requirements of the State and Federal governments. In particular, Workplace Health and Safety, Workplace Relations, Vocational Placement and Copyright Standards will be met at all times.…
This drama included to the Victorian plays, that means the play was made in Victorian era. In Victorian era marriage always to be a popular topic to make a plays. Because in Victorian era, marriage was about protecting your resources, and keeping socially. We can see that from Lady Bracknell. If she want her daughter married with someone, she will ask several question that involve with her candidate life. It’s like a police who want to interrogate his suspect. In this play or, film if the sosial referee Lady Bracknell rings her bell. What Lady Bracknell always concern in her mind are class and money.…
The play takes place in Paris at Orgon’s house and at the beginning, Madame Pernelle, Orgon’s mother, is leaving because she does not like what has happened at her son’s house. Everyone tries to stop her from leaving but nothing works. Orgon’s daughter is to marry her love Valere and Cleante, Orgon’s brother-in-law, wants to make sure that they are still to be married. When Orgon arrives back from a trip out of town he ignores his brother-in-law and instead wants to know how the family has been. He hears that his wife, Elmire, has had a fever but the only person he really cares about is Tartuffe, and he has been doing just fine. Cleante tries his hardest to talk some sense into Orgon about who Tartuffe really is but none of his approaches work.…
Henry believes he has passed some sort of trial. He stood in the face of death and battled back, and perceives himself magnificent for doing so. Yet that same day when his regiment is resting they receive a surprise attack from the men of the south. Instead of staying and fighting Henry lets fear over come him and runs into a forest to save his own life. He believes he has done the right things as he does not think anyone who stayed and fought could still be alive. During Henry’s scramble for survival he see’s two officers in a discussion and overhears how his regiment held off the surprise attack. Overcome with guilt Henry dejectedly wonders around trying to find his regiment. He comes across…
Antoinette's arranged marriage begins to distresses her, as she is married to a controlling white Englishman who feels alienated were she feels at home. Indeed, their marriage is a…
Chapter twenty of How to Read Literature Like a Professor is utilized to display the importance of season in literature. Foster explains how different authors have used it to suit different needs but in the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater, the importance of season is so blatant that it’s impossible to miss. The premise of the trilogy is that the werewolves that exist within it are unable to become human once again until it is warm enough. But each year, they require the temperature to be higher and higher to be able to change. Eventually, it doesn’t ever become warm enough again, and they are stuck as a wolf forever. The seasons represent a more general term of temperature, and as a way for the wolves to measure both the…
Lady Catherine's interrogation of Elizabeth is almost thrilling; she has asked Elizabeth to confirm the ‘scandalous falsehood’ of the marriage between her and Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth is astonished by her address, but does not answer her directly. While Lady Catherine repeats her questions several times, Elizabeth does ‘not chuse to answer.’ Her intelligence allows her to bypass the question. Lady Catherine is trying various ways stop the marriage that actually isn’t happening between Elizabeth and Darcy by threatening to spread the ‘gossip’ about Lydia’s, ‘patched up business’, but she doesn’t realise it was in fact Darcy who did this. It is ironic that a repetition of this kind of injudicious interference with Darcy, has actually gave him the courage to propose to Elizabeth, the opposite of her intentions. Lady Catherine tries to trick Elizabeth into feeling guilty, because of her inferior birth as it would ‘… ruin him in the opinion of his friends and make him the contempt of the world.’ She does not want to accept the idea of new classing boundaries being drawn. The way, in which society works is that no one marries ‘beneath’ them, therefore society won’t change and Lady Catherine's superiority will be stable.…
This story is told from an omniscient third party's point of view. The narrator presents a few different conflicts throughout the story, but the major one is the conflict each character has within themselves. For Henry, does he tell Marie-Claire of his wife who tries his patience "" Patient? Does he…
Throughout the whole story, these two con-artists are scandalizing people out of their money, and just do things that most people could never think of doing because it is so fowl and uncommon. It seems extremely suspicious that a “duke” and a “dauphin” would waste their time sailing around with a kid and a slave, who they happened to meet while on a river. A “duke” and a “dauphin” should be living in a palace, not wandering the rivers. To just think that two people could be so heartless that they plan to rob a family who just experienced a tragic death, and pretend they are related to them, is just so out of the ordinary that it is hard to believe. Mark Twain uses these characters to frown upon thievery and cheating…
Henry bullies his cousin Mark by forcing him to do things he does not always think are right. This is even demonstrated the first night Mark was at Henrys house, by repeatedly kicking him…