It was the middle of an away sophomore baseball game against DeWitt. My brother, Keegan, was up to bat. The pitch came, he swung and down he went. The baseball came off his bat and drilled him in the left eye. There was only one parent there, one of Keegan’s teammate’s dad. He drove Keegan to the hospital and called my parents. At the time, I was at a softball game working the scoreboard for the varsity West Delaware Hawks team. My mom called to tell me my grandma would pick me up when I was done and that her and my dad were on their way to the Iowa City hospital. My dad was at work at the time and met my mom there. They would explain more later. After they got down there and I got home with my sisters, I called my mom. She gave me an explanation…
Until I was three years old, I was having fun as a toddler by myself. Although, a month before my fourth birthday, I received a beautiful baby sister named Kinsley Ann Kemper. Little did I know that within about nine years she was going to become an ornery child. When she was little, my parents had to set rules for me to follow because they knew that I could follow the rules that they gave me, while they were taking care of Kinsley. Also, when I was three, I started to go to dance. My first year of dance, I got an award for the dancer of the year, which made me very overjoyed and excited at the same time. I can still remember…
It was a bright and sunny day in the town of Bozeman Montana and we wouldn't know it yet but my dad was going to get a call today that we were to be moving to St Charles Illinois. Were he would become a new assistant manager there. And once were to get there and settle in we would make many new friends and have a great time in our new home and town.The first thing we looked into before we moved was a new house to live in when we got there. So my family and my grandma we took a car trip down there to look at some house in the nearby town of Geneva IL. It was a long trip around twenty hours to get down there and we had to stay in many campgrounds. Along the way we got to see new sights and states that I haven't been to which was a really great…
One Monday night my dad and I were fighting about who was going to win the Super Bowl. We fell asleep and lighting stuck our house. I woke up in my dad’s body. I screamed and he came running into his room. We stood there and just look at each other like what do we do now.…
When I was 4 I got my first four wheeler. It a regular day of kindergarten when I get home I see a small four wheeler in the driveway. I said dad who's that four wheeler in the driveway my dad said it's yours I flipped out and said can I drive it. I drive it for the first time it was easy because I rode my dad's four wheeler a lot but it was still fun because I got to…
My father fainted at his job. I was worried something like that would happen. Even I knew that human bodies could not withstand that much stress. My mother, sisters, and I raced towards the hospital. He did it to himself, and I still couldn’t understand why. He woke up ten minutes later, but the doctor didn’t let him go until late at night.…
My dad got me a wheelchair. I sat in it and my dad wheeled me into the E.R. I met a guy in the waiting room who hurt his knee playing football. I waited for about 20 minutes and then they got me in.…
One day after classes, I came home and discovered the shoe shop was closed in the middle of the afternoon. Feeling something was wrong, I rushed to our apartment and found my father in severe respiratory distress. He was wheezing and gasping for air. His skin had turned blue, and he was too weak to talk.…
One Saturday morning, I crawled out of bed and went downstairs to have breakfast. I looked out the window and saw a fresh blanket of snow which meant that it was a perfect day for snowboarding! About an hour later my brother, Jacob also came down and ate his breakfast.…
I did end up going to get my mom and she rushed my dad to the ER. His tibia had sustained a…
It was our last day and we were headed to the airport. I was very disappointed that I didn’t have my phone for the plane ride home. It was a long drive there and it felt like forever. For some reason my dad pulled off the interstate and pulled into a Verizon Wireless parking lot. My dad went inside and was in there for half an hour. I asked my mom “What are we doing here?”…
I had my brother seated over my shoulder where he was able to enjoy the view. He always was overjoyed whenever I would had him over my neck. I was walking with him over my neck when the pain seared through my neck which resulted in me picking him up and placing him onto my lap. I was feeding my brother milk when I heard my mum calling me, “Can you bring him here now he needs to sleep.”…
I walked off the school bus; it was a beautiful summer day. The sun was shining and the birds were singing, but inside my house it was dark, a cloud had moved over us. I slowly made my way to the door, expecting my mother to greet me but instead my sister opened the door, something was wrong, I knew instantly. When I walked in there sat my three year old little brother playing with his toys in the family room and my parents were sitting on the couch. I looked up at my mom, she had been crying. What is wrong I asked? He is sick my mom said, “Your baby brother is very sick”. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away, I had been sick before and I got better, so would he.…
One day i was at the playground i was around 4, it was a warm sunny day my mom and aunt wanted to take me and my cousin to the park so we were happy because at this point the park was fun to me. We started to walk it was only a 2 minute walk to the park so it wasn't too bad when we got to the park we my mom and aunt sat on a bench about 10 ft away from the swings.…
The ambulance took me to the Hospital and took care of my hurt ankle. I was feeling quite sad and angry that my mom had died that day. I will never forget her. I wondered to myself what I would do now. My mom’s brother (Alec) asked me if I was ok, I said yes, I wanted to stay with him for awhile, the only person that would make me feel…