Finding a suitable location
Advisory Report
Kemin Goosens
HZ University of Applied Sciences
A new canal to the Veerse Meer
Finding a suitable location
Advisory Report
Kemin Goosens
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Front Page
Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.2 Background 4 1.3 Problem and Aim 4 2 Analysis of the area and involved parties 5 2.1 SWOT Analysis 5 2.2 Actor Analysis 6 2.3 Ecology 7 2.3.1 Water movement 8 2.3.2 Flora & Fauna 8 2.4 Target Groups 8 2.4.1 Market research and marketing 8 2.4.2 The 5 P’s 9 3 Project Activities 10
1 Introduction
Improving the overall quality of the Veerse Meer. That is the ultimate goal of the new connection. This report contains a detailed analysis of the current situation, where the problems are and where the possibilities are. To try and understand the situation the first thing that had to be researched was the background of the area.
1.2 Background
Figure 1: The Delta Works
Figure 1: The Delta Works
The Veerse Meer is a 22 kilometers long artificial brackish water lake, which is located in the province of Zeeland between the island north Beveland, north of Walcheren and south Beveland. In the west and east end of the Lake, two dams isolate it from the North Sea and the Oosterschelde, which are worsening the water quality every year. Before 2004 the water quality was worse than today, because there was no way for the fresh sea water to enter Veerse Meer. After they opened a weir on the east side of the lake, the water quality showed a positive reaction. Though the amount of jellyfish increased and the trout, which migrate from the Veerse Meer to the Oosterschelde, are being reduced.
The Veerse meer used to be a turbulent estuary but ever since the flooding in 1953 it was clear something like this was never allowed to happen again. This caused the Delta Works to be created.
Besides the