Anne Applebaum’s "Veiled Insult" first appeared in the Washington Post in 2006. In this essay, Applebaum aims to convince her readers that it is disrespectful for Muslim women to wear their headscarves or niqabs (full bodied cloak) in our western society, just as it is disrespectful for our women to go to their society uncloaked. In delivering her message she also brings to attention the political issue of whether or not it is religious discrimination to allow, or not allow muslim women to wear their cloaks, and in the end she gives us her opinion, “it isn’t religious discrimination or anti-Muslim bias to tell her that she must be polite to the natives, respect the local customs, try to speak some of the local patois -- and uncover her face.” Applebaum uses her personal experiences combined with her American worldview to convince her readers (the American public) that for Muslim women to wear their cloaks in American culture is disrespectful and insensitive. Although those techniques may have worked, her strongest argument is perhaps playing on the emotions of the still sensitive and emotionally scarred, post 9/11…
On the evening of September 20th, 2015 at the sixty-seventh annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Viola Davis, lead actress of How to Get Away With Murder, portraying Annalise King, became the first African-American woman to win an Emmy for “Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series.” While many people, men and women of all colors included, praised Davis for her award and the encouraging speech she gave in the wake of receiving it, others bashed and criticized her. Jaqueline Royster, too has experienced boundaries and has become accustomed to the unspoken rules of how one should do things in order to be seen a…
The main character in “The School Days of an Indian Girl” becomes very successful in her schoolwork and goes on to win many prestigious awards. The the whites worked so hard to hold back the blacks and to make better the Native Americans. Instead, they were really enriching the black with motivation to succeed and the Native Americans with the want to be great and to prove that they were nothing less than the palefaces. The man who is narrating “From the Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man” is astonished at the fact that the man of color was a physician and “a graduate of Howard University, Washington” as well as had completed “post-graduate work in Philadelphia” (Johnson pg. 1013). All this time people were thinking of colored men as not capable of being equal when in reality they were achieving the same as any white man. They were experiencing America as success stories that were not celebrated. It is said that the friends of the black man were “all men of education” being they all held a position is society that was far greater than their race (Johnson pg.1013). In “The School Days of an Indian Girl” we are made aware by the author that the main character becomes very intelligent and when she enters an oratorical contest she is “awarded first place” by the judges. (Sa pg.1099 - 1100). Later in the tale we also become aware that she had entered another contest “as the college representative” where she was awarded one of the two prizes (Sa pg.1100). With all the odds against these two races and all of the negative they received, the Native Americans and African Americans still succeeded and achieved…
Despite the assumption that the United States has attained full democracy, there are still many incidences of biases. The main motive for Banaji Mahzarin R. to write the book was to bring to light the biases that people keep in their minds or brains as well as showing how those bits of knowledge about individuals and about their skin color, education, age, and religion can manipulate behavior.…
I am a young, ambitious, and persevering young woman with the goal to become the first woman in my family to become an engineer. I want to use my engineering degree to not only change the world but to pave the path for other women and black engineers. I also want to encourage other women to pursue the field of engineering by being an active mentor in youth groups within my community. Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Pageant will assist me in achieving my goals because it would not only support me financially but also mentally. Through this pageant, I will gain self-confidence, public speaking skills, and poise. I would love to be selected to participate in the Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Pageant because I am versatile, coachable, open-minded,…
Naomi Nye, a female writer, is an American citizen, half American, half Palestinian. The writer wrote an essay “To Any Would-Be Terrorists” describing in a sad and frustrated way that the terrorists should find another way to live and make peace with the world by stopping the terrorism acts since the world needs not to suffer more pain. The writer’s purpose was to show the Americans that not all Arab-Americans agree to the acts that the Arabs do and that they feel with them especially after the events of 9/11. However, she may have successfully appealed to them, but the appeals presented made her appear to be against Arabs; moreover, it may have lead to distorting our image.…
passionate about wanting to make a difference, I’m 100% onboard to guide each one in creating the most life-changing…
The article, “Miss America and social media’s ignorant bigotry” written by Leonard Pitts Jr. is about how people label all Indian people as being Muslim and view them as terrorists, even though they are not Muslim. People in the US commit acts of violence against people from India who are presumed to be Muslim, and assume they are terrorists. The recently crowned Miss America is of Indian descent and people feel that this is not acceptable, and some people feel Miss America should be white with blonde hair and blue eyes. These pageants should not have the prejudices of people with foreign descent. The main point of this article is to illustrate the problems Indian people as well as people from the Middle East presently face in the US. They are disrespected and acts of violence are committed against them. Some people in America tend to be ignorant towards people from middle Eastern countries and in some cases, fear them. Some make certain stereotypes, like all Arab people are terrorists, for example. I agree with the article’s purpose. I feel that many Americans are very prejudiced and tend to dislike people of Arab descent, because of the groups they are associated with, in this case, terrorists. I think that this topic is very popular in present time, and is also very controversial. Many people have different views about it, and I feel this topic is imperative and needs to be discussed more often. I knew about this topic, but after the Miss America competition, I didn’t know that people posted images and comments on social sites that spoke so negatively about Nina Davuluri. I feel that is despicable and is truly a shame. Nina should be viewed the same way as any other pageant…
“More innocent people died after 9/11 because of 9/11 than died in 9/11.”-Penn Jillette. The controversy over whether Arab Americans can obtain the American dream erupted in 2001 after the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. This wasn’t the first time that Arab Americans had felt unsafe in the U.S. hence the Arab-American Family Support Center (AAFSC) along with other advocates. Arab Americans are Americans of Arab ethnic, identity or culture, who identify as Arab. Today, it is estimated that nearly 3.5 million Americans trace their roots to an Arab country. People of every color come to America to live freely and to enjoy “the pursuit of Happiness" given when they become a citizen. Arab Americans face more bigotry than most minorities in…
Women of the United States have been one of the leading forces that gave the country successes and allowed it to reach the heights of success it has in this world. Nearly 100 years ago, women in America did not have a right to vote, but as that changed many things changed. With time women earned respect and earned a much higher status in every aspect of their lives. Women proved to be great wives, mothers, leaders, role models, fighters, and much more. Despite all their efforts, eager to earn higher maximum potential, they have failed to do so, why? Because as a country, as a society, the United States still needs to evolve and give its women the same respect and status as it has been giving to its men; this includes their wages. Women in the United States, on average, still earn less money for…
2. It is the view of some sociologists that before September 11th the public in the United States had an already negative view toward people of Arab decent but most gave little thought to the subject. (Deaux, 4)…
In Miss America By Day, Marilyn Van Derbur told her story of incest, that she experienced throughout her childhood. She explained how she was sexually abused by her father, from age 5 to the time she was 18 years old, when she was able to leave her home and go off to college. Marilyn wrote about how her father would come into her room, at least once a week, to molest or rape her. The visits became more frequent when she was a teenager. She would lie awake in her bed, curled up in a tight fetal position, anticipating when he would come into her room and violate her. When he would come in at night, she would pretend she was sleeping throughout the whole defilement. The waiting was very traumatic for her on its own, because even if he didn’t come in a particular night, she still wouldn’t be able to go to sleep or relax her body from the fear of his next “visit.”…
But unlike the Durga Vahini students, one of the girls who is subjected to Botox, a rather harsh fairness cream routine and other indignities wonders if it is all worth it. Here the ideology is high fashion, and that ultimate Miss India crown which Ruhi, one of the aspirants is so keen on, it is affecting her physically. Yet when she doesn’t win it, you get a feeling, she will move on. But the story of Miss India Pooja Chopra whose mother Neera was asked to kill her as a child since she was the second girl. Pooja’s mother left her father and it was a momentous day when her daughter who was unwanted, won the Miss India…
Biko was born to parents Mzimgayi Mathew and Alice Duman Biki in King William's Town, in the present-day Eastern Cape province of South Africa.[7] His father was a government clerk, while his mother did domestic work in surrounding white homes.[8] The third of four children, Biko grew up with his older sister Bukelwa; his older brother Kahya; and his younger sister Nobandile.[9] In 1950, at the age of four, Biko suffered the loss of his father who was studying law.[10][11] As a child, he attended Brownlee Primary School and Charles Morgan Higher Primary School.[12]…
Attack: she denigrates the mothers to be oblivious to exploitive and damaging behaviour they are inflicting upon their children, this forms the reader to perceive pageants as an organisation filled with people who are ludicrous and insensible, therefore viewing pageants to be so too.…