Reaction Essay Unfortunately, plagiarism is an issue for many students these days. Many don’t want to put in the effort to truly research and give their honest feedback in their papers. When time and sleep are on your side it is very easy to copy and paste information and thoughts that are not original. Although at that moment, one may not see the harm, the effects of plagiarism are endless. Other than steeling from someone, when plagiarizing the only person that is truly affected is the plagiarizer. Just as many professors and teachers my have said over the years “the only person your cheating and lying to is yourself”. I thought the article was interesting. When the original author of the work came to conclusion that he had been plagiarized, his reaction was smarter than that of an average persons’. While trying to find the original plagiarizer, the author takes a step back and decides to analyze the current issue of plagiarism. He does this when he gets advice on what to do about the situation from other scholars. I was shocked that instead of encouraging him to get to the bottom of things they told him to leave the case alone. I think it is unfair for someone to steal your work and be told to do nothing about it. I completely disagree with the quote “imitation is the sincerest of flattery”. I feel that actions should be taken in notifying the plagiarist that what was done was wrong and should never be done again. I thought it was ridiculous that the plagiarist had picture of him copying something as a main picture on a website with a personal profile. I think that if you plagiarize and you know you get away with it “don’t push your luck” especially by receiving special distinction for something that is 100% not yours/original. It was extremely sincere and kind of him not to directly accuse his plagiarist. The fact that
Reaction Essay Unfortunately, plagiarism is an issue for many students these days. Many don’t want to put in the effort to truly research and give their honest feedback in their papers. When time and sleep are on your side it is very easy to copy and paste information and thoughts that are not original. Although at that moment, one may not see the harm, the effects of plagiarism are endless. Other than steeling from someone, when plagiarizing the only person that is truly affected is the plagiarizer. Just as many professors and teachers my have said over the years “the only person your cheating and lying to is yourself”. I thought the article was interesting. When the original author of the work came to conclusion that he had been plagiarized, his reaction was smarter than that of an average persons’. While trying to find the original plagiarizer, the author takes a step back and decides to analyze the current issue of plagiarism. He does this when he gets advice on what to do about the situation from other scholars. I was shocked that instead of encouraging him to get to the bottom of things they told him to leave the case alone. I think it is unfair for someone to steal your work and be told to do nothing about it. I completely disagree with the quote “imitation is the sincerest of flattery”. I feel that actions should be taken in notifying the plagiarist that what was done was wrong and should never be done again. I thought it was ridiculous that the plagiarist had picture of him copying something as a main picture on a website with a personal profile. I think that if you plagiarize and you know you get away with it “don’t push your luck” especially by receiving special distinction for something that is 100% not yours/original. It was extremely sincere and kind of him not to directly accuse his plagiarist. The fact that