Submitted in partial fulfillment of the course Introduction to Economics
De La Salle University, Manila
Submitted by: Nadine Bernardino Menina Murillo Precious Ong Hazel Venida
Introduction In our everyday living, it is inevitably observable that, indeed, the Philippines could not seem to escape from the cruel hands of poverty. The Philippines is not just way behind the other countries in terms of developing as a whole. It is, in fact, experiencing a number of unresolved macro and micro economic issues, and barely enough improvement seems to have been recorded. Whether you are in another country, in your back yard, or even at the comfort of your own home, the drastic undeniable traces of poverty are just screaming at you – crying for help and begging for some real action. As foreign as they may seem, these screams actually come from people you commonly encounter – be it the filthy residents beneath the bridges of Manila, the old garbage collector at your subdivision, the breast-feeding mother just across the dumpsite, or even the hungry street children you oftentimes shoo away. Regardless of whether we recognize them or not, these people are considered to be the living proofs of how the Filipino nation has been for the past few decades. Somehow, they tell stories that we should have paid attention to long ago – stories of how and why we should take statistics and economics very seriously.
Let’s be blunt and straight-forward. The Philippines is in deep poverty, and such situation will continue if there wouldn’t be any noticeable improvements on our economic growth in the next few years. According to the National Statistical Coordination Board or NSCB (Sarmiento, 2011), extensive poverty continues to burden the Philippines despite its gradual growth and development. The Philippines was said to have had a 7.3 percent Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Bibliography: Sarmiento, P. (2011). economic growth fails to slash poverty in philippines. Retrieved from Padilla, A. (n.d.). economic growth fails to slash poverty in philippines. Retrieved from Arangkada philippines 2010: A business perspective. (2011). Retrieved from The World Bank (2012). Philippines overview. Retrieved from Dela Cruz, R. (2011). Adb to help philippines improve social services for the poor. Retrieved from Dswd promotes deeper understanding of the poor through forum. (2012). Retrieved from Philhealth, dswd forge partnership for the poor. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dswd conducts forum on foster care act. (n.d.). Retrieved from