Any two generations have differences to a certain degree. Due to the effects of the advances in technology and globalization, the generation gap between parent and child is much broader in comparison with the gaps of earlier generation.
The older generations were more concerned of priorities that were family oriented; however, the concerns of today are for the advancement of one’s career. The busy lives of parents today require most modern couples to have assistance to help manage their life at home. At present, the strength of relationships within the family and extended families has proportionally been undermining.
The generation today has greatly incorporated the western influence in all forms to which there is a strong conflict from the earlier generation. Due to this, Ideas, behaviors and views have changed drastically; for example, the youth today are more rebellious and are not scared to do things beyond the norms compared to the older generation, who were hesitant to change the social and cultural norms.
Part Three Great Divides pp. 215-215 Youth-Adult Conflict
Teenagers undergo a transition phase wherein they are no longer in the state of children nor are they adults and they amplify their clam to enjoy adult privileges. Conflicting pressures lead them to the peers from whom the adolescent learn from, new ideas, values and activities that may be opposing with their parents’ preferences. Certain issues burden teenagers with some of the worries of adulthood. The roles and responsibilities change for both the parent and child. “Dependency is associated with childhood, but when it persists into young adulthood, expectations are violated and the relationships between the generations become confusing and uncertain.” (Broom, Selznick, & Darroch, 1981)
Generation Gap – Does it exist??
According to the article, Generation Gap – Does it exist??, 2005 Generation Gap occurs when