Develop clear job descriptions.
Selection of appropriate people with an appropriate selection process.
Negotiate recruitments and accomplishment-based performance standards, outcomes and measures.
Providing effective orientation, education and training.
Providing on-going coaching and feedback.
Conducting quarterly performance development discussions.
Designating effective compensation and recognition systems that reward people for their contributions.
Providing promotional /career development opportunities for staff
Q1. Since how many years have you been working with this organization?
a. 0-5 Years
b. 5-10 Years
c. 10 to 15 Years
d. More than 15 Years
Q2. Do you think Performance Management System is clearly defined in the organization ?
a. Yes
b. No
Q3. Do you think all the factors facilitating and hindering performance are taken into consideration while appraising the performance?
a. Yes
b. No
Q4. Goals set for Performance Evaluation are mutually decided goals ?
a. Yes
b. No
Q5. Do you think Performance Management System helps people set and achieve meaningful goals.?
a. Yes
b. No
Q6. You are satisfied with the weightages given against each activity that you are supposed to perform in the specified period by PMS ?
a. Yes
b. No
Q7. Does performance of employees improve due to current Performance Management System?
a. Yes
b. No
Q8. Do the PMS implemented in your organization create a participative environment?
a. Yes
b. No
Q9. Does the promotions are strictly based on Performance Management System?
a. Yes
b. No
Q10. Do you think your leardership and interpersonal skills are developed due to Performance Management System ?
a. Yes
b. No
Q11. Do you feel free to express to your appraiser, your disagreement regarding the appraisal decisions
a. Yes
b. No
Q12. Your Job Description clearly defines KRA’s on which your performance is rated ?
a. Yes
b. No