A close viewing Analysis of Turangawaewae-a place to stand a New Zealand short film
This is a close-viewing analysis of the short film turangawaewae - A place to stand. Directed by Peter Burger (Ngai Tauiwi). Produced by Catherine Fitzgerald (Ngai Tauiwi). Written by Wiremu Grace (Ngati Toa, Ngati Porou). Wi Kuki Kaa (Ngati Porou, Ngati Kahungunui) portrays a returned Maori servicemen from Vietnam. Nancy Brunning (Ngati Raukawa, Ngai Tuhoe) portrays his daughter, who is struggling to understand her father’s wellbeing and his choice to live homeless. This short film deals with a war-scarred veteran who is Maori and seeks solace in the Maori way.
“Ka pai ki mua, ka pai ki muri”. This whakatauki summarizes the themes throughout the short film, to move forward in life we must first resolve the issues of the past, Tiare upon returning did not have the opportunity to morn or to express his pain and the effects the war had. The film highlights Tiare’s deep spiritual need for a turangawaewae, a key Tikanga concept, and the validity of Tikanga as a healing tool for those with deep emotional scars.
Tiare a Vietnam veteran long forgotten by the world struggles to find himself in the modern world, homeless and haunted by war, dislocated from reality, unable to let go of his friends he had lost during the Vietnam campaign, he spends most of his time gathering rubbish and patches of grass, he’s searching for forgiveness, a place to stand in this world where he can let go, not long after being hit by a car Tiare, standing on a tray of grass clods, starts to mihi , even though it was softly presented the mana of his mihi, resonates through the soul. “Tena kautou katoa, Ko Tiare taku ingoa, he hoia I mate au I Te pakanga o Vietnam I mate toku wairangi mate katoa o oku hoa, No reira he kehua noa iho Tena tatou katoa”.” Greetings to you all, my name is Tiare, I am a soldier, I died in Vietnam War, my spirit died, and so did my friends and so I
References: (2013). Retrieved from maoriproverbs : http://www.maori.cl/Proverbs.htm Burger, P. (Director). (2003). Turangawaewae-a place to stand [Motion Picture]. Perich, B. (2013). (L. Davies, Interviewer) Whanake, T. (2013). Retrieved from maori dictionary: http://www.maoridictionary.co.nz