Anis Charfi∗ , Tom Dinkelaker† and Mira Mezini† ∗ SAP Research CEC Darmstadt, Germany Email: {first.lastname} † Software Technology Group Technische Universit¨ t Darmstadt, Germany a Email: {lastname}
Abstract—Several approaches have been proposed to introduce self-management capabilities for web service compositions. However, most of these works are limited as they are not extensible, i.e., new self-adaptation features cannot be supported, and even if that is possible then still this cannot be done dynamically while the composite services are running. In addition, many of these works are not based on the service composition standard WS-BPEL. In this paper, we propose a plug-in architecture for self-adaptive web service composition, in which self-adaptation features are well-modularized in aspect based plug-ins. Our approach supports applicationspecific adaptation scenarios, is easily extensible, and allows self-adaptation logic to be hot-deployed on running process instances. We have implemented this architecture and several plug-ins using the dynamic aspect-oriented workflow language AO4BPEL. Keywords-Aspect-Oriented Programming; Autonomic Computing; Self-Healing; Service Composition; BPEL;
cesses to integrate self-healing logic [5], [6]. However, these approaches have limitations with respect to extensibility, flexibility, and scope. First, most existing approaches come with predefined self-adaptation features and adding further self-adaptation features by a third-party is not possible. The problem with current approaches is that self-adaptation logic is tightly coupled with the execution logic inside the engine implementation and therefore the adaptation logic cannot be extended by a third-party. Second, in the works that allow extending the engine with new self-management features the logic of these features cannot be integrated dynamically with