A synthesis paper for FFP
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in FFP
Submitted by:
Ms. Paler, Crystal Ace F.
Section XA
Submitted to:
Prof. Ruth
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan
September 27, 2012 Thursday
To live with God forever
A synthesis paper of FFP
I. Short Introduction
Our lives have been a spontaneity predicament to somewhere pessimistically nowhere. I have been wandering and wondering for years and decades of what life has to offer and what it has brought upon me. I think I am legally old enough to predict life isn’t going to be an easy ride. Many things have changed, and will change. Little things will remain and stay. I wonder what are the things that needed to stay and what are the things that has to be left behind or omit. Omitting something may be good or bad, just as the same as remembering. Why do I need to remember and why do I have to forget? Is it really forgetting or might I say forgiving? What are the purpose of all these? What is the purpose of life?
II. A Series of Realizations (Short content)
The Ignatian principles and values that were in the First year Formation Program (FFP) book have listed all the ingredients that are needed on the questions I had in mind. It made me realized what indifference means in another perspective, that it means being able to see what is right and good, and choose one’s will in accordance to God’s. There are many Ignatian values written that are of great meaning and is very significant in my life. “Love is expressed more in deeds than in words,” is one of them. It doesn’t necessarily apply to a particular individual but rather to the heart of many that I have touched and I can touch. It is inspiring to do more, to say more, to love more, and to be more that I am for others! I remember what one instructor told me: these Ignatian values are interrelated with each other. Praise that I realized how they are the foundation of Ignatius’