How can your virtual world help business in the real world?
To get a great understanding of the virtual world, one has to understand exactly what Second Life is. Second Life is an online virtual world developed by Linden Lab. It was launched in June, 2003. A lot of free viewers enable Second Life users, called residents to interact with each other through avatars. Just like the movie Avatar. This is a place where residents can explore the world, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services with one another.
Accenture believes that the key to effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ... Bringing together the virtual and the physical worlds, ... In this world, insight will be bought and sold in a market that rewards ...
The Virtual world is good for branding, but not yet for profits.
It’s an increasingly common scenario for businesses on Second Life, the incredibly popular online hangout. Created by San Francisco start-up Linden Labs, Second Life is a persistent world, meaning all the events that take place here in cyberspace carries on whether you’re logged in or not. It’s free to join, which first requires you to create a unique-looking “avatar” – a visual representation of yourself or perhaps your alter ego – but building a permanent home to hang your (virtual) hat will cost you roughly US $10 a month.1
“Second Life is a great for brand building and advertising real-world products, but you’re not necessarily going to make a lot of money — at least not right now,” advises Terdiman. “It’s worth the minimal cost for a presence in Second Life but you have to think clearly about what you’re trying to achieve and how you go about it — the community is extremely sensitive to