The future of the country and its citizens lies in the hands of two very qualified candidates. President Barack Obama and his opponent Mitt Romney have been debating for the past few weeks to convince voters far and wide as to why they would make the best, future president of the United States. Both candidates have extensive experience in leadership, and both have very different views of how to run the country. From abortion laws to taxes, each candidate’s opinion on where they stand will determine who is elected. It is up to the citizens of the United States to determine which candidate will take the most care in these issues as well as present change to the growing nation. Education is becoming expensive, and harder to achieve with so many budget cuts and lack of support from the federal government, preventing the youth of the nation from achieving knowledge and education to support the country in the future. The environment of the world is changing dramatically and fast; should there be laws in place to protect the future of the planet? Obama’s arguments focus around saving and protecting the earth, while Romney seems most focused on profit. With a slowly recovering economy many people are with out healthcare, and adequate means to afford healthcare. What is the best step for America to approach this situation? Obama and Romney both have valid and appropriate concerns for each of these topics, but which candidate shines through? The majority of the youth of America are liberal and stand for Obamas community based idealism, while Romney may have a hard time convincing youth that we should focus on foreign policy and higher tax rates that generally do not support the middle class.
Education covers a wide variety of subjects. The two most important topics are raising/lowering financial aid and whether or not sex education should be based on abstinence only. In an article on the website Obama states, "I do believe that
Cited: Obama Defends Roe v. Wade As Way for Our Daughters’ to Have Same Chance As Sons to ‘Fulfill Their Dreams.’ Fred Lucas. January 23 2012. Climate of Doubt. October 23 2012. Frontline. Romney: My views on abortion rights are clear. August 27 2012.