Draft: October 6, 2009
I develop a general theory of monopoly pricing of networks. Platforms use insulating tariffs to avoid coordination failure, implementing any desired allocation. Profit-maximization distorts in the spirit of Spence (1975) by internalizing only network externalities to marginal users. Thus the empirical and prescriptive content of the popular Rochet and Tirole (2006) model of two-sided markets turns on the nature of user heterogeneity. I propose a more plausible, yet equally tractable, model of heterogeneity in which users differ in their income or scale. My approach provides a general measure of market power and helps predict the effects of price regulation and mergers.
The pricing problems of payment and advertising platforms have much in common. Both seek to attract two distinct groups of users: AmEx needs cardholders and merchants while the New
York Times recruits readers and advertisers. Because the value each group takes from using these services depends on the size of the other side of the market, the platform’s pricing and marketing strategies to each group are closely linked. Therefore policy directed at alleviating distortions caused by market power in these industries must take account of how interventions on one side affect welfare and platform behavior on the other.
∗ Harvard Society of Fellows and Toulouse School of Economics: 78 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, This paper was split off as one part of a previous working paper “Monopolies in Two-Sided
Markets: Comparative Statics and Identification”. I am grateful to el Ministerio de Hacienda de Chile and the Centro de Investigaci´ n Econ´ mica at the Instituto Tecnol´ gico Aut´ nomo de M´ xico (CIE-ITAM) which hosted me on a visit o o o o e while I conducted parts of this research. The Harvard Milton Fund supported the last stage of this project
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